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hubData 1.2.3

hubData 1.2.2

  • Remove dependency on development version of arrow package and bump required version to 17.0.0.

hubData 1.2.1

  • Removed dependency on development version of zoltr package.
  • Fixed minor error in connect_hub() article.

hubData 1.2.0

  • Adds a skip_checks parameter to the connect_hub and connect_model_output functions. When skip_checks is set to TRUE, these functions will bypass the default behavior of scanning the hub’s model output directory for invalid files. Omitting these checks results in better performance when connecting to cloud-based hubs but can result in errors when querying the data. This option is only valid when connecting to hubs that meet the following criteria:
    • the model output directory contains only model output data (no, for example)
    • the model output files use a single file format.

hubData 1.1.1

  • Fix {tidyselect} warnings by converting internal syntax
  • Bump required dplyr version to 1.1.0

hubData 1.1.0

  • Add "from_config" option to the output_type_id_datatype argument in create_hub_schema(), coerce_to_hub_schema() and connect_hub(). This allows users to set the hub level output_type_id column data type through the tasks.json output_type_id_datatype property introduced in schema version v3.0.1. (#44)

hubData 1.0.0

  • Breaking change: expand_model_out_val_grid() and create_model_out_submit_tmpl() are now defunct. These functions have been moved to hubValidations and replaced by hubValidations::expand_model_out_grid() and hubValidations::submission_tmpl(), respectively. The old functions will now fail if called and will be removed in a future release.

hubData 0.2.0

  • Adds back-compatible support in create_hub_schema() for determining a hub’s schema from v3.0.0 sample output type configurations in tasks.json files (#27).
  • Adds back-compatible support for v3.0.0 sample output type configuration in tasks.json files. The primary change is how output_type_id values for sample output types are handled in expand_model_out_val_grid(). By default, all valid task ID value combinations are expanded, as per any other output type, but NAs are returned in the output_type_id column. However, if new argument include_sample_ids is set to TRUE, example sample IDs are included in the output_type_id column, demonstrating how compound tasks IDs group rows of task ID combinations into samples. These are unique across modeling tasks. In create_model_out_submit_tmpl(), example sample IDs are included in the output_type_id column by default (#30).

hubData 0.1.1

  • Add collect_zoltar(), which retrieves data from a project and transforms it from Zoltar’s native download format into a hubverse one. Zoltar (documentation here) is a pre-hubverse research project that implements a repository of model forecast results, including tools to administer, query, and visualize uploaded data, along with R and Python APIs to access data programmatically (zoltr and zoltpy, respectively.)

hubData 0.1.0

  • Add collect_hub() which wraps dplyr::collect() and, where possible, converts the output to a model_out_tbl class object by default. The function also accepts additional arguments that can be passed to as_model_out_tbl().
  • Allow for parsing tasks.json config files where both required and optional properties of task IDs are set to null. This change facilitates the encoding of task IDs in modeling tasks where no value is expected for a given task ID. In model output files, the value in such modeling task task IDs will be NA.

hubData 0.0.1

  • Initial package release resulting from split of hubUtils package. See hubUtils for details including previous release notes.