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An important function of hubData is allowing for the connection to data in the model-output directory to facilitate extraction, filtering, querying, exploring, and analyzing of Hub data.

Structure of hubverse datasets

All data returned from connecting to and querying hubs can be read or validated as a model_out_tbl which is a foundational S3 class in the hubverse ecosystem. A model_out_tbl is a long-form tibble designed to conform to the hubverse data specifications for model output data. In short, the columns of a valid model_out_tbl containing model output data from a hub are:

  • model_id: this is the unique character identifier of a model.
  • output_type: a character variable that defines the type of representation of model output that is in a given row.
  • output_type_id: a variable that specifies some additional identifying information specific to the output type in a given row, e.g., a numeric quantile level, a string giving the name of a possible category for a discrete outcome, or an index of a sample.
  • value: a numeric variable that provides the information about the model’s prediction.
  • ... : other columns will be present depending on modeling tasks defined by the individual modeling hub. These columns are referred to in hubverse terminology as the task-ID variables.

Other hubverse tools, designed for data validation, ensemble building, visualization, etc…, all are designed with the “promises” implicit in the data format specified by model_out_tbl. For example, the hubEnsembles::linear_pool() function both accepts as input and returns as output model_out_tbl objects.

Hub connections

There are two functions for connecting to model-output data:

  • connect_hub() is used for connecting to fully configured hubs (i.e. which contain valid admin.json and tasks.json in a hub-config directory). This function uses configurations defined in config files in the hub-config/ directory and allows for connecting to hubs with files in multiple file formats (allowable formats specified by the file_format property of admin.json).
  • connect_model_output() allows for connecting directly to the contents of a model-output directory and is useful for connecting to appropriately organised files in an informal hub (i.e. which has not been fully configured with appropriate hub-config/ files.)

Both functions establish connections through the arrow package, specifically by opening datasets as FileSystemDatasets, one for each file format. Both functions are also able to connect to files that are stored locally or in the cloud (e.g. in AWS S3 buckets).

Where multiple file formats are accepted in a single Hub, file format specific FileSystemDatasets are combined into a single UnionDataset for single point access to the entire Hub model-output dataset. This only applies to connect_hub() in fully configured Hubs, where config files can be used to determine a unifying schema across all file formats.

In contract, connect_model_output() can only be used to open single file format datasets of the format defined explicitly through the file_format argument.

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

Connecting to a configured hub

Connecting to a local hub

To connect to a local hub, supply the path to the hub to connect_hub()

hub_path <- system.file("testhubs/flusight", package = "hubUtils")
hub_con <- connect_hub(hub_path)
#> ── <hub_connection/UnionDataset> ──
#>  hub_name: "US CDC FluSight"
#>  hub_path: /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/hubUtils/testhubs/flusight
#>  file_format: "csv(5/5)", "parquet(2/2)", and "arrow(1/1)"
#>  checks: TRUE
#>  file_system: "LocalFileSystem"
#>  model_output_dir:
#>   "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/hubUtils/testhubs/flusight/forecasts"
#>  config_admin: hub-config/admin.json
#>  config_tasks: hub-config/tasks.json
#> ── Connection schema
#> hub_connection
#> 8 columns
#> forecast_date: date32[day]
#> horizon: int32
#> target: string
#> location: string
#> output_type: string
#> output_type_id: string
#> value: double
#> model_id: string

Connecting to a hub in the cloud

To connect to a hub in the cloud, first use one of the re-exported arrow helpers s3_bucket() or gs_bucket() depending on the cloud storage provider, and a string of the bucket name/path to create the appropriate cloud *FileSystem object (For more details consult the arrow article on Using cloud storage (S3, GCS)).

Then supply the resulting *FileSystem object to connect_hub().

hub_path_cloud <- s3_bucket("hubverse/hubutils/testhubs/simple/")
hub_con_cloud <- connect_hub(hub_path_cloud)
#> ── <hub_connection/UnionDataset> ──
#>  hub_name: "Simple Forecast Hub"
#>  hub_path: hubverse/hubutils/testhubs/simple/
#>  file_format: "csv(3/3)" and "parquet(1/1)"
#>  checks: TRUE
#>  file_system: "S3FileSystem"
#>  model_output_dir: "model-output/"
#>  config_admin: hub-config/admin.json
#>  config_tasks: hub-config/tasks.json
#> ── Connection schema
#> hub_connection
#> 9 columns
#> origin_date: date32[day]
#> target: string
#> horizon: int32
#> location: string
#> output_type: string
#> output_type_id: double
#> value: int32
#> model_id: string
#> age_group: string

Performance considerations

By default, connect_hub will ignore invalid files in the hub’s model output directory when it creates a connection. This check prevents errors when working with the data, but it negatively impacts performance.

If the cloud-based hub uses a single file type for model output data, you can improve performance by using the skip_checks argument. This argument will bypass the default behavior of scanning the hub’s model output directory for invalid files before connecting.

Using this argument will fail unless the hub meets the following criteria:

  • the model output directory contains only model output data (no, for example)
  • the model output files use a single file format.
hub_path_cloud <- s3_bucket("hubverse/hubutils/testhubs/parquet/")
hub_con_cloud <- connect_hub(hub_path_cloud, file_format = "parquet", skip_checks = TRUE)
#> ── <hub_connection/FileSystemDataset> ──
#>  hub_name: "Simple Forecast Hub"
#>  hub_path: hubverse/hubutils/testhubs/parquet/
#>  file_format: "parquet(4/4)"
#>  checks: FALSE
#>  file_system: "S3FileSystem"
#>  model_output_dir: "model-output/"
#>  config_admin: hub-config/admin.json
#>  config_tasks: hub-config/tasks.json
#> ── Connection schema
#> hub_connection with 4 Parquet files
#> 9 columns
#> origin_date: date32[day]
#> target: string
#> horizon: int32
#> location: string
#> age_group: string
#> output_type: string
#> output_type_id: double
#> value: int32
#> model_id: string

Accessing data

To access data from a hub connection you can use dplyr verbs and construct querying pipelines.

To perform the queries, you can use dplyr’s collect() function:

hub_con %>%
  filter(output_type == "quantile", location == "US") %>%
#> # A tibble: 276 × 8
#>    forecast_date horizon target        location output_type output_type_id value
#>    <date>          <int> <chr>         <chr>    <chr>       <chr>          <dbl>
#>  1 2023-05-01          1 wk ahead inc… US       quantile    0.01               0
#>  2 2023-05-01          1 wk ahead inc… US       quantile    0.025              0
#>  3 2023-05-01          1 wk ahead inc… US       quantile    0.05               0
#>  4 2023-05-01          1 wk ahead inc… US       quantile    0.1              193
#>  5 2023-05-01          1 wk ahead inc… US       quantile    0.15             495
#>  6 2023-05-01          1 wk ahead inc… US       quantile    0.2              618
#>  7 2023-05-01          1 wk ahead inc… US       quantile    0.25             717
#>  8 2023-05-01          1 wk ahead inc… US       quantile    0.3              774
#>  9 2023-05-01          1 wk ahead inc… US       quantile    0.35             822
#> 10 2023-05-01          1 wk ahead inc… US       quantile    0.4              857
#> # ℹ 266 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: model_id <chr>

Note however that in the above example, while the output contains the required model_id, output_type, output_type_id and value columns for a model_out_tbl object, it is returned as a tbl_df or tibble object and the order of the columns is not standardised.

Use collect_hub() to return model_out_tbls

Conveniently, you can use the hubData wrapper collect_hub() which converts the output of dplyr::collect() to a model_out_tbl class object where possible:

tbl <- hub_con %>%
  filter(output_type == "quantile", location == "US") %>%

#> # A tibble: 276 × 8
#>    model_id     forecast_date horizon target location output_type output_type_id
#>  * <chr>        <date>          <int> <chr>  <chr>    <chr>       <chr>         
#>  1 hub-baseline 2023-05-01          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.01          
#>  2 hub-baseline 2023-05-01          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.025         
#>  3 hub-baseline 2023-05-01          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.05          
#>  4 hub-baseline 2023-05-01          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.1           
#>  5 hub-baseline 2023-05-01          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.15          
#>  6 hub-baseline 2023-05-01          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.2           
#>  7 hub-baseline 2023-05-01          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.25          
#>  8 hub-baseline 2023-05-01          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.3           
#>  9 hub-baseline 2023-05-01          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.35          
#> 10 hub-baseline 2023-05-01          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.4           
#> # ℹ 266 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: value <dbl>

#> [1] "model_out_tbl" "tbl_df"        "tbl"           "data.frame"

Accessing data from cloud hubs

Accessing data from hubs in the cloud is exactly the same:

hub_con_cloud %>%
  filter(output_type == "quantile", location == "US") %>%
#> # A tibble: 230 × 9
#>    model_id     origin_date target        horizon location age_group output_type
#>  * <chr>        <date>      <chr>           <int> <chr>    <chr>     <chr>      
#>  1 hub-baseline 2022-10-08  wk inc flu h…       1 US       NA        quantile   
#>  2 hub-baseline 2022-10-08  wk inc flu h…       1 US       NA        quantile   
#>  3 hub-baseline 2022-10-08  wk inc flu h…       1 US       NA        quantile   
#>  4 hub-baseline 2022-10-08  wk inc flu h…       1 US       NA        quantile   
#>  5 hub-baseline 2022-10-08  wk inc flu h…       1 US       NA        quantile   
#>  6 hub-baseline 2022-10-08  wk inc flu h…       1 US       NA        quantile   
#>  7 hub-baseline 2022-10-08  wk inc flu h…       1 US       NA        quantile   
#>  8 hub-baseline 2022-10-08  wk inc flu h…       1 US       NA        quantile   
#>  9 hub-baseline 2022-10-08  wk inc flu h…       1 US       NA        quantile   
#> 10 hub-baseline 2022-10-08  wk inc flu h…       1 US       NA        quantile   
#> # ℹ 220 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: output_type_id <dbl>, value <int>

Limitations of dplyr queries on arrow datasets

Note that not all dplyr filtering options are available on arrow datasets.

For example, if you wanted to get all quantile predictions for the last forecast date in the hub, you might try:

hub_con %>%
    output_type == "quantile", location == "US",
    forecast_date == max(forecast_date, na.rm = TRUE)
  ) %>%
#> Error in `forecast_date == max(forecast_date, na.rm = TRUE)`:
#> ! Expression not supported in filter() in Arrow
#> → Call collect() first to pull data into R.

This doesn’t work however as arrow does not have an equivalent max method for Date[32] data types.

In such a situation, you could collect after applying the first filtering level which does work for arrow and then finish the filtering on the in-memory data returned by collect.

hub_con %>%
  filter(output_type == "quantile", location == "US") %>%
  collect_hub() %>%
  filter(forecast_date == max(forecast_date))
#> # A tibble: 92 × 8
#>    model_id     forecast_date horizon target location output_type output_type_id
#>    <chr>        <date>          <int> <chr>  <chr>    <chr>       <chr>         
#>  1 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.01          
#>  2 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.025         
#>  3 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.05          
#>  4 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.1           
#>  5 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.15          
#>  6 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.2           
#>  7 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.25          
#>  8 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.3           
#>  9 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.35          
#> 10 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.4           
#> # ℹ 82 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: value <dbl>

Alternatively, depending on the size of the data, in might be quicker to filter the data in two steps:

  1. get the last forecast date available for the filtered subset.
  2. use the last forecast date in the filtering query.
last_forecast <- hub_con %>%
  filter(output_type == "quantile", location == "US") %>%
  pull(forecast_date, as_vector = TRUE) %>%
  max(na.rm = TRUE)

hub_con %>%
    output_type == "quantile", location == "US",
    forecast_date == last_forecast
  ) %>%
#> # A tibble: 92 × 8
#>    model_id     forecast_date horizon target location output_type output_type_id
#>  * <chr>        <date>          <int> <chr>  <chr>    <chr>       <chr>         
#>  1 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.01          
#>  2 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.025         
#>  3 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.05          
#>  4 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.1           
#>  5 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.15          
#>  6 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.2           
#>  7 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.25          
#>  8 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.3           
#>  9 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.35          
#> 10 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.4           
#> # ℹ 82 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: value <dbl>

Use arrow::to_duckdb() to extend available queries

You could alternatively use arrow::to_duckdb() to first convert the dataset connection to an in memory virtual DuckDB table. This will allows you to run queries that are supported by DuckDB but not by arrow, extending the potential queries that can be run against hub data before collecting.

For more details see DuckDB quacks Arrow: A zero-copy data integration between Apache Arrow and DuckDB.

hub_con %>%
  arrow::to_duckdb() %>%
    output_type == "quantile", location == "US",
    forecast_date == max(forecast_date, na.rm = TRUE)
  ) %>%
#> # A tibble: 92 × 8
#>    model_id     forecast_date horizon target location output_type output_type_id
#>  * <chr>        <date>          <int> <chr>  <chr>    <chr>       <chr>         
#>  1 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.01          
#>  2 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.025         
#>  3 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.05          
#>  4 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.1           
#>  5 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.15          
#>  6 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.2           
#>  7 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.25          
#>  8 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.3           
#>  9 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.35          
#> 10 hub-baseline 2023-05-08          1 wk ah… US       quantile    0.4           
#> # ℹ 82 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: value <dbl>

Connecting to a model output directory

There is also an option to connect directly to a model output directory without using any metadata in a hub config file. This can be useful when a hub has not been fully configured yet.

The approach does have certain limitations though. For example, an overall unifying schema cannot be determined from the config files so the ability of open_dataset() to connect and parse data correctly cannot be guaranteed across files.

In addition, only a single file_format dataset can be opened.

model_output_dir <- system.file("testhubs/simple/model-output", package = "hubUtils")
mod_out_con <- connect_model_output(model_output_dir, file_format = "csv")
#> ── <mod_out_connection/FileSystemDataset> ──
#>  file_format: "csv(3/3)"
#>  checks: TRUE
#>  file_system: "LocalFileSystem"
#>  model_output_dir:
#>   "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/hubUtils/testhubs/simple/model-output"
#> ── Connection schema
#> mod_out_connection with 3 csv files
#> 8 columns
#> origin_date: date32[day]
#> target: string
#> horizon: int64
#> location: string
#> output_type: string
#> output_type_id: double
#> value: int64
#> model_id: string

Accessing data follows the same procedure described for fully configured hubs:

mod_out_con %>%
  filter(output_type == "quantile", location == "US") %>%
#> # A tibble: 138 × 8
#>    model_id origin_date target horizon location output_type output_type_id value
#>  * <chr>    <date>      <chr>    <int> <chr>    <chr>                <dbl> <int>
#>  1 team1-g… 2022-10-08  wk in…       1 US       quantile             0.01    135
#>  2 team1-g… 2022-10-08  wk in…       1 US       quantile             0.025   137
#>  3 team1-g… 2022-10-08  wk in…       1 US       quantile             0.05    139
#>  4 team1-g… 2022-10-08  wk in…       1 US       quantile             0.1     140
#>  5 team1-g… 2022-10-08  wk in…       1 US       quantile             0.15    141
#>  6 team1-g… 2022-10-08  wk in…       1 US       quantile             0.2     141
#>  7 team1-g… 2022-10-08  wk in…       1 US       quantile             0.25    142
#>  8 team1-g… 2022-10-08  wk in…       1 US       quantile             0.3     143
#>  9 team1-g… 2022-10-08  wk in…       1 US       quantile             0.35    144
#> 10 team1-g… 2022-10-08  wk in…       1 US       quantile             0.4     145
#> # ℹ 128 more rows

And connecting to cloud model output data follows the same procedure described for fully configured cloud hubs:

mod_out_dir_cloud <- s3_bucket(
mod_out_con_cloud <- connect_model_output(
  file_format = "csv"
#> ── <mod_out_connection/FileSystemDataset> ──
#>  file_format: "csv(3/3)"
#>  checks: TRUE
#>  file_system: "NULL"
#>  model_output_dir: "hubverse/hubutils/testhubs/simple/model-output/"
#> ── Connection schema
#> mod_out_connection with 3 csv files
#> 8 columns
#> origin_date: date32[day]
#> target: string
#> horizon: int64
#> location: string
#> output_type: string
#> output_type_id: double
#> value: int64
#> model_id: string

Like connect_hub, connect_model_output has an optional skip_checks argument that improves performance:

mod_out_dir_cloud <- s3_bucket("hubverse/hubutils/testhubs/parquet/model-output/")
mod_out_con_cloud <- connect_model_output(mod_out_dir_cloud, file_format = "parquet", skip_checks = TRUE)
#> ── <mod_out_connection/FileSystemDataset> ──
#>  file_format: "parquet(4/4)"
#>  checks: FALSE
#>  file_system: "NULL"
#>  model_output_dir: "hubverse/hubutils/testhubs/parquet/model-output/"
#> ── Connection schema
#> mod_out_connection with 4 Parquet files
#> 9 columns
#> origin_date: date32[day]
#> target: string
#> horizon: int32
#> location: string
#> output_type: string
#> output_type_id: double
#> value: int32
#> age_group: string
#> model_id: string

Providing a custom schema

When connecting to a model output directly, you can also specify a schema to override the default arrow schema auto-detection. This can help at times to resolve conflicts in data types across different dataset files.

#> Attaching package: 'arrow'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
#>     timestamp

model_output_schema <- schema(
  origin_date = date32(),
  target = string(),
  horizon = int32(),
  location = string(),
  output_type = string(),
  output_type_id = string(),
  value = int32(),
  model_id = string()

mod_out_con <- connect_model_output(model_output_dir,
  file_format = "csv",
  schema = model_output_schema
#> ── <mod_out_connection/FileSystemDataset> ──
#>  file_format: "csv(3/3)"
#>  checks: TRUE
#>  file_system: "LocalFileSystem"
#>  model_output_dir:
#>   "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/hubUtils/testhubs/simple/model-output"
#> ── Connection schema
#> mod_out_connection with 3 csv files
#> 8 columns
#> origin_date: date32[day]
#> target: string
#> horizon: int32
#> location: string
#> output_type: string
#> output_type_id: string
#> value: int32
#> model_id: string

Using a schema can however also produce new errors which can sometimes be hard to debug. For example, here we are defining a schema with field output_type cast as int32 data type. As column output_type actually contain character type data which cannot be coerced to integer, connecting to the model output directory produces an arrow error.

model_output_schema <- schema(
  origin_date = date32(),
  target = string(),
  horizon = int32(),
  location = string(),
  output_type = int32(),
  output_type_id = string(),
  value = int32(),
  model_id = string()

mod_out_con <- connect_model_output(model_output_dir,
  file_format = "csv",
  schema = model_output_schema
#> Error in `arrow::open_dataset()`:
#> ! Invalid: No non-null segments were available for field 'model_id'; couldn't infer type

Beware that arrow errors can be somewhat misleading at times so if you do get such a non-informative error, a good place to start would be to check your schema matches the columns and your data can be coerced to the data types specified in the schema.