Use options to set schema_version and branch arguments in download_tasks_schema() and the create_*() family of functions for creating config files programmatically. This allows for setting the schema version and branch globally for the session (#85).
Make validation of round_id patterns explicit. This ties in with schema version v4.0.1 where the pattern the round_id property must match if round_id_from_variable is false is now specified as a regular expression in the schema. This check is also now implemented dynamically on values of the round_id variable if round_id_from_variable is true when validating tasks.json config files. Checks on round_id patterns are also now implemented in create_round() when creating rounds programmatically.
As of schema version v5.0.0, only a single target_keys element is allowed when creating target metadata items programmatically (#89).
hubAdmin 1.4.0
Support v4.0.0 schema configuration of output types and output type IDs when creating config files programmatically. Specifically, whether an output type is required or not is specified via the is_required logical property whereas the output_type_id values as provided through the required property only (#53). In addition, output_type_idrequired value is now encoded as NULL instead of NA (#72).
Programmatically created higher level config elements now have a branch attribute that can be used to create and validate objects against a schema which is still in development and has not been released to the main branch yet.
Add dynamic checks to ensure derived_task_ids match valid task ID names to validation of task.json config files (#69).
hubAdmin 1.3.0
Add derived_task_ids property to create_config() (for specifying hub level derived task IDs) and create_round() (for specifying round level derived task IDs) (#52). This adds compatibility for the upcoming schemas v4.0.0 release.
hubAdmin 1.2.0
Add as_config() function to convert a list representation of a tasks.json config file to a <config> class object (#42). Useful when wanting to programmatically manipulate the contents of a tasks.json config file.
Add append_round() function to append one or more <round> class objects to the rounds property of a <config> class object (#42).
Add schema_autobox() function that uses the schema to “box” length one vectors in a <config> class object that should be arrays in JSON format (#44). This transformation is now applied by default when writing a <config> class object to a JSON file using write_json() but can be deactivated using the autobox argument. The transformation is also applied to any properties that should be arrays covered by additionalProperties in the schema (e.g. custom task IDs).
Add link to development version documentation to README.
hubAdmin 1.1.1
Add output_type_id_datatype argument to create_config(). This allows for the specification of the data type of the output_type_id column of model output data through schema property output_type_id_datatype, introduced in v3.0.1 version of the hubverse schema (#41)
hubAdmin 1.1.0
Add write_config() functions to write objects of class <config> to JSON files (#3)
hubAdmin 1.0.2
New feature: Add ci_validate_hub_config() as a non-interactive function that works with GitHub to produce a validation report on Continous Integration (#37)
Output of validate_config() and validate_hub_config() are now classed so the summary of their contents is printed nicely to the screen, reducing the amount of screen space needed to report success or failure (#35)
hubAdmin 1.0.0
Breaking changes: Support schema v3.0.0 specification of sample output type IDs which are now specified through a output_type_id_params object instead of output_type_id. The main breaking change is in create_output_type_sample() which now takes arguments incompatible with previous schema versions and returns an object with an output_type_id_params object instead of output_type_id. Additional but back-compatible dynamic validation checks on sample output types have been added to validate_config().
hubAdmin 0.2.0
Introduce validation check that ensures no all null task IDs exist in tasks.json.
hubAdmin 0.1.0
Allow task ID create_task_id() arguments required and optional to both be set to NULL, facilitating the encoding of NA task IDs in modeling tasks where no value is expected for a given task ID.
hubAdmin 0.0.1
Initial package release resulting from split of hubUtils package. See hubUtils for details including previous release notes.