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A continuous integration helper


  hub_path = Sys.getenv("HUB_PATH"),
  gh_output = Sys.getenv("GITHUB_OUTPUT"),
  diff = stdout(),



path to the hub. Defaults to the value of the HUB_PATH environment variable.


path to a file that can record variables for use by other actions. This defaults to the value of the GITHUB_OUTPUT environment variable.


path to a file (defaults to stdout()) that will contain a user facing message with a time stamp that shows if the hub was correctly configured along with the output of view_config_val_errors() (if any).


Arguments passed on to validate_hub_config


Character string specifying the json schema version to be used for validation. The default value "from_config" will use the version specified in the schema_version property of the config file. "latest" will use the latest version available in the hubverse schemas repository. Alternatively, a specific version of a schema (e.g. "v0.0.1") can be specified.


The branch of the hubverse schemas repository from which to fetch schema. Defaults to "main". Can be set through global option "hubAdmin.branch".


Returns a list of the results of validation, one for each hub-config file validated. A value of TRUE for a given file indicates that validation was successful. A value of FALSE for a given file indicates that validation errors were detected. Details of errors will be appended as a data.frame to an errors attribute. To access the errors table for a given element use attr(x, "errors") where x is the any element of the output of the function that is FALSE. You can print a more concise and easier to view version of an errors table with view_config_val_errors().


This function is to be used within a continuous integration context. You can find this used in the validate-config hubverse workflow. To use the workflow with your own hub, you can use hubCI::use_hub_github_action('validate-config')

This function is intended to be used in a workflow that checks the validity of a hub's configuration files. Below is an excerpt of steps on GitHub Actions where the environment variables PR_NUMBER and HUB_PATH have been defined:

     - uses: actions/checkout@v4
     - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r@v2
         install-r: false
         use-public-rspm: true
         extra-repositories: ''
     - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r-dependencies@v2
         cache: 'always'
         packages: |
     - name: Run validations
       id: validate
       run: |
         diff_path <- file.path(Sys.getenv("HUB_PATH"), "")
         hubAdmin::ci_validate_config(diff = diff_path)
       shell: Rscript {0}
     - name: "Comment on PR"
       id: comment-diff
       if: ${{ github.event_name != 'workflow_dispatch' }}
       uses: carpentries/actions/comment-diff@main
         pr: ${{ env.PR_NUMBER }}
         path: ${{ env.HUB_PATH }}/
     - name: Error on Failure
       if: ${{ steps.validate.outputs.result == 'false' }}
       run: |
         echo "::error title=Invalid Configuration::Errors were detected"
         exit 1


This function is not intended for interactive use.


# setup ------------
hubdir <- tempfile()
out <- tempfile()
diff <- tempfile()
  unlink(hubdir, recursive = TRUE)
# Results from a valid hub -----------------------------------------
  from = system.file("testhubs/simple/", package = "hubUtils"),
  to = hubdir,
  recursive = TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
hub <- file.path(hubdir, "simple")
ci_validate_hub_config(hub_path = hub, gh_output = out, diff = diff)
#>  Hub correctly configured! 
#> admin.json, tasks.json and model-metadata-schema.json all valid.
#> ℹ schema version v2.0.0
#> (<>)
#> ── $tasks 
#> [1] TRUE
#>  ok:  hub-config/tasks.json (<file:///tmp/Rtmph9wetV/file1e9115a66ba1/simple/hub-config/tasks.json>) (via tasks-schema v2.0.0 (<>))
#> ── $admin 
#> [1] TRUE
#>  ok:  hub-config/admin.json (<file:///tmp/Rtmph9wetV/file1e9115a66ba1/simple/hub-config/admin.json>) (via admin-schema v2.0.0 (<>))
#> ── $model-metadata-schema 
#> [1] TRUE
#>  ok:  hub-config/model-metadata-schema.json (<file:///tmp/Rtmph9wetV/file1e9115a66ba1/simple/hub-config/model-metadata-schema.json>) (from default json schema  (<file:///tmp/Rtmph9wetV/file1e9115a66ba1/simple/hub-config/model-metadata-schema.json>))
# result is true
#> [1] "result=true"
# message to user shows success and a timestamp
#> [1] ":white_check_mark: Hub correctly configured!"
#> [2] ""                                            
#> [3] "2025-02-25 16:02:41 UTC"                     

# Results from an invalid hub --------------------------------------
# reset output file
out <- tempfile()
# make the the simple hub invalid by adding a character where
# a number should be
tasks_path <- file.path(hub, "hub-config", "tasks.json")
tasks <- readLines(tasks_path)
writeLines(sub('minimum": 0', 'minimum": "0"', tasks), tasks_path)
# validate
ci_validate_hub_config(hub_path = hub, gh_output = out, diff = diff)
#> Warning:  Errors detected in tasks.json config file.
#>  Use `view_config_val_errors()` on the output of `validate_hub_config` to
#>   review errors.
#> ℹ schema version v2.0.0
#> (<>)
#> ── $tasks 
#> [1] FALSE
#> ! 4 schema errors: hub-config/tasks.json
#>   (<file:///tmp/Rtmph9wetV/file1e9115a66ba1/simple/hub-config/tasks.json>) (via
#>   tasks-schema v2.0.0
#>   (<>))
#>  use `view_config_val_errors()` to view table of error details.
#> ── $admin 
#> [1] TRUE
#>  ok:  hub-config/admin.json (<file:///tmp/Rtmph9wetV/file1e9115a66ba1/simple/hub-config/admin.json>) (via admin-schema v2.0.0 (<>))
#> ── $model-metadata-schema 
#> [1] TRUE
#>  ok:  hub-config/model-metadata-schema.json (<file:///tmp/Rtmph9wetV/file1e9115a66ba1/simple/hub-config/model-metadata-schema.json>) (from default json schema  (<file:///tmp/Rtmph9wetV/file1e9115a66ba1/simple/hub-config/model-metadata-schema.json>))
# result is now false
#> [1] "result=false"
# message to user now shows a table
#> [1] "## :x: Invalid Configuration"                                                                                                                                     
#> [2] ""                                                                                                                                                                 
#> [3] ""                                                                                                                                                                 
#> [4] "Errors were detected in one or more config files in `hub-config/`. Details about the exact locations of the errors can be found in the table below."              
#> [5] "<div id=\"mwlefoodfi\" style=\"padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;overflow-x:auto;overflow-y:auto;width:auto;height:auto;\">"
#> [6] "  "                                                                                                                                                               
#> [1] "    </tr>"               "  </tfoot>"             
#> [3] "  "                      "</table>"               
#> [5] "</div>"                  "2025-02-25 16:02:42 UTC"