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hubValidations provides a wide range of validation check_*() functions, but there are times when you might need to write your own custom check functions to check a specific aspect of your hub’s submissions.

This guide will help you understand how to write custom check functions and what tools are available in hubValidations to help.

Custom functions are configured through the validations.yml file and executed as part of validate_model_data(), validate_model_metadata() and validate_model_file() functions. More details about deploying custom check functions during validation workflows are available in vignette("articles/deploying-custom-functions").

Anatomy of a check function

While source code of existing hubValidations check_*() functions can be a good place to start when writing custom check functions, it is important to understand the structure of a check function, particularly the expected inputs and outputs.

At it’s most basic, a custom check function should:

  • take in a set of inputs to be validated
  • evaluate whether a condition is met
  • return an appropriate check condition object

In addition, if the check condition is not met, it’s also helpful to capture any details that can guide users towards specifics of the failure and how to fix it

In general, hubValidations check functions evaluate conditions with respect to one or more of the following:

  • Model output submission files
  • Model output submission file content (i.e data)
  • Model metadata files

create_custom_check() for creating custom check function templates

To help you get started on the right path, we also provide function create_custom_check() for creating a basic custom check function from a template.

The function requires a name for the new custom check function, e.g. "example_check". It then creates an .R script file named after the function (example_check.R) and saves it in the hub at the recommended location: src/validations/R/. The script contains basic skeleton code to create a custom check function called example_check.

The output of create_custom_check() can also be parametarised through a number of arguments to include additional template code snippets (see below for examples).

Let’s take a look at the basic structure of a custom check function created by create_custom_check().

We’ll start by creating a temporary “hub” for us to work in, but if you have an existing hub, you can work in there.

hub_path <- withr::local_tempdir()

  hub_path = hub_path
#>  Directory /tmp/RtmpIjsP06/file243f78c01840/src/validations/R created.
#>  Custom validation check template function file "cstm_check_tbl_basic.R" created.
#> → Edit the function template to add your custom check logic.
#>  See the Writing custom check functions article for more information.
#> (<>)

The contents of the created file at src/validations/R/cstm_check_tbl_basic.R are as follows:

cstm_check_tbl_basic <- function(tbl, file_path) {
  # Here you can write your custom check logic
  # Assign the result as `TRUE` or `FALSE` to object called `check`.
  # If `check` is `TRUE`, the check will pass.

  check <- condition_to_be_TRUE_for_check_to_pass

  if (check) {
    details <- NULL
  } else {
    # You can use details messages to pass on helpful information to users about
    # what caused the validation failure and how to locate affected data.
    details <- cli::format_inline("{.var round_id} value {.val invalid} is invalid.")

    check = check,
    file_path = file_path,
    msg_subject = "{.var round_id}",
    msg_attribute = "valid.",
    error = FALSE,
    details = details

Function inputs / arguments

The minimum inputs required by a custom check function depend on the type of check being performed.

  • file_path: the relative path to the submission file being validated is required for all check functions. file_path must therefore be included as an argument in all custom check function.
  • tbl or tbl_chr: a tibble representation of the contents of a model output submission—with column data types matching the hub schema (tbl) or an all character version (tbl_chr)—is also required by any checks that operate on the data in the submission file.

Since file_path and tbl are the most common inputs to check functions, create_custom_check() includes them as arguments by default. This means that the custom check function will include these objects in the function call environment by default.

In addition to these, custom check functions can also have additional arguments for inputs required by the check. Some of these inputs are available in the check caller environment and can be passed automatically to a custom check function by including an argument with the same name as the input object required in the custom function formals. Other inputs can be passed explicitly to function arguments through the functions args field when configuring the validations.yml file.

Arguments available in the caller environment

Each of the validate_*() functions contain a number of standard objects in their call environment which are available for downstream check functions to use as arguments and are passed automatically to arguments of optional/custom functions with the same name. Therefore, values for such arguments do not need including in function deployment configuration but can be overridden through a function’s args configuration in validations.yml during deployment.

All validate_*() functions will contain the following five objects in their caller environment:

  • file_path: character string of path to file being validated relative to the model-output directory.
  • hub_path: character string of path to hub.
  • round_id: character string of round_id derived from the model file name.
  • file_meta: named list containing round_id, team_abbr, model_abbr and model_id details.
  • validations_cfg_path: character string of path to validations.yml file. Defaults to hub-config/validations.yml.

validate_model_data() will contain the following additional objects:

  • tbl: a tibble of the model output data being validated.
  • tbl_chr: a tibble of the model output data being validated with all columns coerced to character type.
  • round_id_col: character string of name of tbl column containing round_id information. Defaults to NULL and usually determined from the tasks.json config if applicable unless explicitly provided as an argument to validate_model_data().
  • output_type_id_datatype: character string. The value of the output_type_id_datatype argument. This value is useful in functions like hubData::create_hub_schema() or hubValidations::expand_model_out_grid() to set the data type of output_type_id column.
  • derived_task_ids: character vector or NULL. The value of the derived_task_ids argument, i.e. the names of task IDs whose values depend on other task IDs.

The args configuration can be used to override objects from the caller environment as well as defaults during deployment.

Additional arguments

You can add additional arguments to custom check functions and pass values to them by including them in the args configuration in the validations.yml file. These values are passed to the custom check function by hubValidations when the function is called.

If you do add additional arguments to a custom check function, you should also add input checks at the start of the function to ensure inputs are valid. The checkmate package contains a wide range of functions for checking inputs.

For example, the optional check opt_check_tbl_col_timediff() (which is deployed in exactly the same fashion as custom functions, i.e. through the validations.yml file) takes additional arguments t0_colname, t1_colname and timediff.

function (tbl, file_path, hub_path, t0_colname, t1_colname, timediff = lubridate::weeks(2), 
    output_type_id_datatype = c("from_config", "auto", "character", 
        "double", "integer", "logical", "Date")) 
    checkmate::assert_class(timediff, "Period")
    checkmate::assert_character(t0_colname, len = 1L)
    checkmate::assert_character(t1_colname, len = 1L)
    checkmate::assert_choice(t0_colname, choices = names(tbl))
    checkmate::assert_choice(t1_colname, choices = names(tbl))
    config_tasks <- read_config(hub_path, "tasks")
    output_type_id_datatype <- rlang::arg_match(output_type_id_datatype)
    schema <- create_hub_schema(config_tasks, partitions = NULL, 
        r_schema = TRUE, output_type_id_datatype = output_type_id_datatype)
    assert_column_date(t0_colname, schema)
    assert_column_date(t1_colname, schema)
    tbl <- subset_check_tbl(tbl, c(t0_colname, t1_colname))
    if (nrow(tbl) == 0) {
        return(capture_check_info(file_path = file_path, msg = "No relevant data to check. Check skipped."))
    if (!lubridate::is.Date(tbl[[t0_colname]])) {
        tbl[, t0_colname] <- as.Date(tbl[[t0_colname]])
    if (!lubridate::is.Date(tbl[[t1_colname]])) {
        tbl[, t1_colname] <- as.Date(tbl[[t1_colname]])
    compare <- tbl[[t1_colname]] - tbl[[t0_colname]] == timediff
    check <- all(compare)
    if (check) {
        details <- NULL
    else {
        details <- cli::format_inline("t1 var value{?s} {.val {tbl[[t1_colname]][!compare]}} invalid.")
    capture_check_cnd(check = check, file_path = file_path, msg_subject = cli::format_inline("Time differences between t0 var {.var {t0_colname}} and t1 var\n        {.var {t1_colname}}"), 
        msg_verbs = c("all match", "do not all match"), msg_attribute = cli::format_inline("expected period of {.val {timediff}}."), 
        details = details)
<bytecode: 0x5556697d7ac0>
<environment: namespace:hubValidations>

You can add an example extra argument with extra_args = TRUE when creating the custom check function with create_custom_check().

  hub_path = hub_path,
  extra_args = TRUE
#>  Custom validation check template function file "cstm_check_tbl_args.R" created.
#> → Edit the function template to add your custom check logic.
#>  See the Writing custom check functions article for more information.
#> (<>)

This adds an extra example argument extra_arg to the custom check function formals as well as an example input check to the top of the function body.

cstm_check_tbl_args <- function(tbl, file_path, extra_arg = NULL) {
  # If you're providing additional custom arguments, make sure to include input checks
  # at the top of your function. `checkmate` package provides a simple interface
  # for many useful basic checks and is available through hubValidations.
  # The following example checks that `extra_arg` is a single character string.
  checkmate::assert_character(extra_arg, len = 1L, null.ok)

  # Here you can write your custom check logic
  # Assign the result as `TRUE` or `FALSE` to object called `check`.
  # If `check` is `TRUE`, the check will pass.

  check <- condition_to_be_TRUE_for_check_to_pass

  if (check) {
    details <- NULL
  } else {
    # You can use details messages to pass on helpful information to users about
    # what caused the validation failure and how to locate affected data.
    details <- cli::format_inline("{.var round_id} value {.val invalid} is invalid.")

    check = check,
    file_path = file_path,
    msg_subject = "{.var round_id}",
    msg_attribute = "valid.",
    error = FALSE,
    details = details

Function output

Capturing and returning check results with capture_check_cnd()

The capture_check_cnd() function is used to return a check condition (success, failure, or error) and it’s output is what a custom check function should return in most cases (see below for exception). The function returns a <hub_check> class object depending on the value passed to the check argument, which represents the summary of the condition being checked by a given validation function.

If the value passed to check is TRUE, the function returns a <message/check_success> class object.

If the value is FALSE, the output depends on the error argument.

  • If error is FALSE (the default), the function returns a <error/check_failure> class object, which indicates the check has failed.
  • If error is TRUE, the function returns a <error/check_error> class object, which indicates the check has failed and additionally causes execution of further custom validation functions to halt. Set error = TRUE if downstream checks cannot be run if the current check fails.
  hub_path = hub_path, error = TRUE
#>  Custom validation check template function file "cstm_check_tbl_error.R" created.
#> → Edit the function template to add your custom check logic.
#>  See the Writing custom check functions article for more information.
#> (<>)
cstm_check_tbl_error <- function(tbl, file_path) {
  # Here you can write your custom check logic
  # Assign the result as `TRUE` or `FALSE` to object called `check`.
  # If `check` is `TRUE`, the check will pass.

  check <- condition_to_be_TRUE_for_check_to_pass

  if (check) {
    details <- NULL
  } else {
    # You can use details messages to pass on helpful information to users about
    # what caused the validation failure and how to locate affected data.
    details <- cli::format_inline("{.var round_id} value {.val invalid} is invalid.")

    check = check,
    file_path = file_path,
    msg_subject = "{.var round_id}",
    msg_attribute = "valid.",
    error = TRUE,
    details = details

Skipping checks and returning a message with capture_check_info()

Sometimes a check function might not always be applicable and a pre-condition needs to be met before the main check itself is performed. If the pre-condition is not met, the check is usually skipped.

For such checks, the function should return a <message/check_info> object, generated by the capture_check_info() function. Use the msg argument to explain that a check was skipped and why.

  "Condition for running this check was not met. Skipped."
#> <message/check_info>
#> Message:
#> Condition for running this check was not met. Skipped.

For example, the check_tbl_value_col_ascending() check function which validates that values are ascending when arranged by increasing output_type_id order is only applicable to cdf and quantile output types. Before proceeding with the main check, the function first checks whether the model output tbl contains data for cdf and quantile output types. If not, the check is skipped.

function (tbl, file_path, hub_path, round_id, derived_task_ids = get_hub_derived_task_ids(hub_path)) 
    check_output_types <- intersect(c("cdf", "quantile"), unique(tbl[["output_type"]]))
    if (length(check_output_types) == 0L) {
        return(capture_check_info(file_path, "No quantile or cdf output types to check for non-descending values.\n        Check skipped."))
    config_tasks <- hubUtils::read_config(hub_path, "tasks")
    if (!is.null(derived_task_ids)) {
        tbl[derived_task_ids] <- NA_character_
    error_tbl <- purrr::map(check_output_types, function(.x) {
        check_values_ascending_by_output_type(.x, tbl, config_tasks, 
            round_id, derived_task_ids)
    }) %>% purrr::list_rbind()
    check <- nrow(error_tbl) == 0L
    if (check) {
        details <- NULL
        error_tbl <- NULL
    else {
        details <- cli::format_inline("See {.var error_tbl} attribute for details.")
    capture_check_cnd(check = check, file_path = file_path, msg_subject = "Quantile or cdf {.var value} values", 
        msg_verbs = c("increase", "do not all increase"), msg_attribute = "when ordered by {.var output_type_id}.", 
        details = details, error_tbl = error_tbl)
<bytecode: 0x55566c26b830>
<environment: namespace:hubValidations>

You can add a pre-condition check block of code with argument conditional = TRUE when creating the custom check function with create_custom_check().

  hub_path = hub_path,
  conditional = TRUE
#>  Custom validation check template function file "cstm_check_tbl_skip.R" created.
#> → Edit the function template to add your custom check logic.
#>  See the Writing custom check functions article for more information.
#> (<>)
cstm_check_tbl_skip <- function(tbl, file_path) {
  if (!condition) {
        "Condition for running this check was not met. Skipped."

  # Here you can write your custom check logic
  # Assign the result as `TRUE` or `FALSE` to object called `check`.
  # If `check` is `TRUE`, the check will pass.

  check <- condition_to_be_TRUE_for_check_to_pass

  if (check) {
    details <- NULL
  } else {
    # You can use details messages to pass on helpful information to users about
    # what caused the validation failure and how to locate affected data.
    details <- cli::format_inline("{.var round_id} value {.val invalid} is invalid.")

    check = check,
    file_path = file_path,
    msg_subject = "{.var round_id}",
    msg_attribute = "valid.",
    error = FALSE,
    details = details

Loading config files

Many checks are conditioned against information stored in hub configuration files and these are often read in at the start of the custom check function.

The easiest way to make hub configuration information available within your function is to pass the hub_path caller environment object by specifying it as a function argument and then use hubUtils::read_config(hub_path) to read in the tasks.json configuration file.

You can add a config = TRUE argument when creating the custom check function with create_custom_check() to include the hub_path argument and insert a code snippet in you custom check function skeleton that reads in the tasks.json hub configuration file.

  hub_path = hub_path,
  config = TRUE
#>  Custom validation check template function file "cstm_check_tbl_config.R" created.
#> → Edit the function template to add your custom check logic.
#>  See the Writing custom check functions article for more information.
#> (<>)
cstm_check_tbl_config <- function(tbl, file_path, hub_path) {
  config_tasks <- hubValidations::read_config(hub_path)

  # Here you can write your custom check logic
  # Assign the result as `TRUE` or `FALSE` to object called `check`.
  # If `check` is `TRUE`, the check will pass.

  check <- condition_to_be_TRUE_for_check_to_pass

  if (check) {
    details <- NULL
  } else {
    # You can use details messages to pass on helpful information to users about
    # what caused the validation failure and how to locate affected data.
    details <- cli::format_inline("{.var round_id} value {.val invalid} is invalid.")

    check = check,
    file_path = file_path,
    msg_subject = "{.var round_id}",
    msg_attribute = "valid.",
    error = FALSE,
    details = details

Custom function dependencies

When writing your functions you might want to use functions from other packages.

Available dependencies

All hubValidations exported functions are available for use in your custom check functions as well as functions from hubverse packages huUtils, hubAdmin and hubData.

In addition, functions in packages from the hubValidations dependency tree are also generally available, both locally (once hubValidations is installed) and in the hubverse validate-submission GitHub Action.

Functions from these packages can be used in your custom checks without specifying them as additional dependencies.

Additional dependencies

If any custom functions you are deploying depend on additional packages, you will need to ensure these packages are available during validation.

The simplest way to ensure they are available is to edit the setup-r-dependencies step in the hubverse-actions validate-submission.yaml GitHub Action workflow of your hub and add any additional dependency to the packages field list.

In the following pseudo example we add additionalPackage package to the list of standard dependencies:

      - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r-dependencies@v2
          packages: |

Note that this ensures the additional dependency is available during validation on GitHub but does not guarantee it will be installed locally for hub administrators or submitting teams. Indeed such missing dependencies could lead to execution errors in custom checks when running validate_submission() locally.

You could use documentation, like your hub’s README to communicate additional required dependencies for validation to submitting teams. Even better, you could add a check to the top of your function to catch missing dependencies and provide a helpful error message to the user.

Managing custom check functions as a package

The simplest way to manage custom check functions is to store them as scripts in the src/validations/R directory in the root of the hub and source them during validation by specifying the path to a custom functions file via the source: property in validations.yml.

Alternatively, you could manage your custom functions as a package.

You can easily turn the contents of src/validations into a local validations R package with:

usethis::create_package("src/validations", open = FALSE)

This would allow you to:

  • Make your functions available locally by users who could use pak::local_install("src/validations") in the hub root to install the validations package.
  • Manage additional dependencies required by your custom functions formally through the DESCRIPTION file.
  • Formally test your custom functions using testthat tests in the tests/testthat directory.

Deploying custom functions as a package

To deploy custom functions managed as a package in src/validations, you can use the pkg configuration property in the validations.yml file to specify the package namespace.

For example, if you have created a simple package in src/validations/ with a cstm_check_tbl_example.R script containing the specification of an cstm_check_tbl_example() function in src/validations/R, you can use the following configuration in your validation.yml file to source the function from the installed validations package namespace:

        fn: "cstm_check_tbl_example"
        pkg: "validations"

To ensure the package (and any additional dependencies it depends on) is installed and available during validation, you must add the package to the setup-r-dependencies step in the hubverse-actions validate-submission.yaml GitHub Action workflow of your hub like so:

      - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r-dependencies@v2
          packages: |

If you want to share custom functions across multiple hubs, you could even consider separating them into a standalone package and hosting them on GitHub.