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The function performs a number of actions to configure a hubverse package's pkgdown site to use the hubStyle template for docs styling.

  • Runs use_pkgdown() to initialise pkgdown documentation.

  • Runs use_github_pages() to initialise GitHub Pages for the package.

  • Adds a GitHub Action workflow for building pkgdown documentation and deploying to GitHub Pages (productions) and Netlify (PR previews) using use_hubdev_pkgdown_action().

  • Adds the hubStyle repository to the DESCRIPTION's Config/Needs/website property using add_website_needs().

  • Creates a favicon for the package using the hubStyle logo.

  • Overwrites standard _pkgdown.yml file with customised configuration to use the hubverse hubStyle package for docs styling.


use_hubdev_pkgdown(add_logo = FALSE)



Logical. Whether to add the logo to the package.